Motivational Sayings from Philippines’ Motivational Speakers That You’ll Need in Your Life as a Working Student

Times nowadays are indeed harder than ever. Jobs are getting harder to come by, daily expenses are getting higher by the day, and life is just not getting any easier as certain circumstances are thrown our way in ways we don’t expect. With these things to consider, every motivational saying from motivational speakers in the Philippines we come across on the Internet can really do us wonders as the mere reading of these sayings can really boost our morale. In fact, if there’s anyone out there that really needs an extra touch of inspiration and motivation, this person would be none other than working students.

As mentioned before, certain circumstances are thrown our way, in ways we least expect and no matter how old or young we may be when it happens. In this case, most of the circumstances that can affect students can cause them to drop out altogether to help get through that very circumstance – whether it’s to help out the family in terms of expenses or personal reasons. However, there are many other students in the country who’ve chosen to help out their respective families without giving up their education — which is, without a doubt, one of the noblest and admirable acts any youth can do.

Despite the admiration people may have for working students, the everyday life of one may be far from easy. Imagine this scenario: a working student goes to school during the day, making sure that they study as much as they can before they report to work in the afternoon or evening, which can sometimes take until late evening or the wee hours of the morning to complete. Afterwards, they go through that very same cycle, again and again, leaving little to no room for important things such as studying and rest. Above all that, this kind of cycle can also affect your work as well. Since you are still a student, there may be times where something important comes up on both ends of school and work and meeting or accomplishing either of them can be difficult, which in turn can add pressure to you.

With this being the case, it’s safe to establish that the everyday life of a working student is undoubtedly not an easy life to live. In order to make life a bit easier, a little touch of motivation through sayings can really do wonders for you as a working student! Hence, what really does motivate a working student?

What Motivates a Working Student?

What Motivates a Working Student

A working student practically thrives on at least three virtues, all of which can definitely help in one’s management of these two worlds. First, there’s determination, which is a virtue known and loved by numerous employers of any line of work and fellow working students. Determination is one of the key factors that can help anyone get through the hard times. For a working student, it can definitely help them accomplish what needs to be done – both at school and at the office.

The second virtue working students follow is none other than resilience. Resilience is what keeps them from giving up when the tough gets tougher and the tasks get more stressful. In addition, resilience is one of the many things that pretty much everyone should embody in their lives which is both applicable at school and at the office.

Lastly, it’s motivation. Motivation is what gives working students the drive they need to perform their jobs excellently, while at the same time aiming to get their diplomas upon completion of their academics. In addition, it’s also the one virtue that can come in numerous forms, whether it be gaining experience for future jobs to be applied to or simply to help out the family through hard times. In short, motivation is one of the many virtues that every working student should have in their systems as it’s one that can really bring in miracles in their lives.

However, aside from these three values, what exactly motivates a working student? There are several factors that can give the very motivation that every working student is looking for, especially with these best examples:


  • Graduating

Of course, when it comes to motivation for working students in general, there’s always the most-anticipated graduation they all aim for. Education, especially college, does not always come cheap. For this reason, certain circumstances that can occur in anyone’s lives can cause some students to drop out.

With work under their belts, not only are they able to earn enough for themselves and for their families, they can also earn enough to pay for their own tuitions as well. Afterwards, they can hear every motivational saying that’s going to be said in that well-deserved graduation ceremony.

  • Additional Income

Since working students are able to earn a profit for themselves, additional income for the home and for the family is also entirely possible. With the mounting amount of bills that needs to be paid, working students can have enough to help out their families by paying the bills that need to be paid, as well as other expenses that need to be handled.

  • Experience for Any Job in Store

As mentioned before, life after school (particularly college) isn’t going to be easy as you are going to compete with fellow fresh graduates and other hopefuls in landing any job in the market. With this to consider, working while in college can be the best experience you can have as it helps you gain the experience you’ll need for any future jobs you’re going to be working in. Plus, you’re also assured of a secure job once you get your diploma!


Different Sources of Motivation

Different Sources of Motivation

Motivation can be the best source of spirit for most working students in the country. It can even make the model employee that every employer in any industry is looking for as it shows every great characteristic and effort being exerted at its highest. There are also numerous sources of motivation, such as the following:

  • Achievement

The thought of being able to meet the demands of work while studying is an achievement enough on its own. In this case, achievement itself being a source of motivation is definitely one that most working students can aim for as it is definitely a testament to their character, as well as their skills as a student and an employee.

  • Fear

Sure, the need of having to juggle between school and work is scary enough. However, like most things, fear can easily be conquered which in itself is also a great source of motivation.

  • Family

Family is another source of motivation as they are the ones you are supporting, as well as them supporting you. When there are times when you may be feeling a bit lost, simply look back at the people who have been with you since day one. For sure, motivation will emit right out of you!

  • Passion

The word passion can actually be a motivational saying itself as it can represent true happiness and satisfaction in any line of work you choose to venture in, or rather, dream of venturing in. Most students, especially with the ones who work while studying, are the most passionate with what they want and being able to work while studying to be able to give life to their respective passions life in the future is the motivation they need.


Motivational Sayings for Working Students

Since motivation is something that needs to be instilled, a motivational saying here and there wouldn’t hurt, or in this case, at least five of them! Not only do these sayings serve as the best words of encouragement for your endeavor as a working student, they can also help you find the spirit you need to keep on pushing forward. With all that said, here are five motivational sayings that every working student need in their lives:


  1. “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” – Anonymous

As said before, having to juggle your responsibilities between work and school is definitely not easy. In fact, it can even be scary to even think about it. Thankfully, with this particular motivational saying, believing in yourself can take you to new heights you never thought you’d reach in no time.

  1. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

For all those thinking of becoming working students, this is one opportunity that should never be passed on, thanks to this specific motivational quote. Being able to work while studying is something that should never be regretted, and with this motivational saying, other regrets are sure to be avoided in the long run.

In addition, this is one saying to keep in mind when there are times when past regrets are being dwelled upon. As much as possible, don’t dwell on things that didn’t happen or you have no control at all. Sure, it was sad. Hence, the world keeps moving forward… and so should you. Besides, when one door closes, there are bound to be a hundred more doors to open for you!

  1. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison

As supported by one of the world’s greatest inventors, giving up is not something to be considered. For those of you who are students and full-time employees, giving up is never an option. It is true that it can truly be hard at times, but the best thing about difficulty is that it can help you rise to the occasion and above the hardest of times – whether it be in the office or school.

  1. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

Starting at the bottom is normal in any workforce you venture in. This is why, as a working student, it’s a great way of introducing yourself to the brand-new environment you’re set in. When it comes to this, don’t feel bad if you’re not where you want to be on your first try. After all, you’re still studying. When you get your diploma, climbing the ladder will surely be a breeze for you!

  1. “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Anonymous

Of course, if you’re going to be looking at the bright side of being a working student, it’s that you have an enormous advantage amongst your peers. Not only do you gain work experience for future jobs, hence, you’re also assured of a full-time, paying job once you get your diploma. Thanks to this particular motivational saying, achieving this very goal has never been so easy!

Why Motivation Can Help You Move Forward

Why Motivation Can Help You Move Forward

Motivation, most especially from the Philippines’ motivational speakers, can help you put your best foot forward. Life is never easy – with different hurdles to overcome and the whatnots. With these five motivational sayings, you can definitely move forward with your head held high.

For working students, motivation can help you move forward on two different, yet equally challenging paths. It’s a long way to go for the finish line, especially for the much-awaited graduation ceremony. However, with these five sayings close to your heart, getting to your goals will be all the more worth it!


Who is Jayson Lo?

Motivation is something to be instilled into people. It’s a drive that should keep people going and the spirit that keeps them whole and ready. Motivation is something to be delivered to those who need it, and who better to deliver ‘motivation’ than the motivational speaker himself: Jayson Lo!

Having done over 2,000 talks on a wide range of topics, Jayson Lo has quite the extensive resume! Truly educating and entertaining, Jayson Lo is the motivational speaker you should definitely have in your sights!

Interested in hearing his words of wisdom and motivation? Feel free to book him by clicking here!

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